The P.E.O. Program for Continuing Education is a need-based grant program providing one-time financial assistance to women whose education has been interrupted and who find it necessary to return to school to complete a degree or certification that improves their marketable skills for employment to support themselves and/or their families.

Applicants must have the following form completed prior to submission of application:

See this form for details: http://cravencc.edu/wp-content/uploads/foundation/PCE-Pre-app-Worksheet.pdf

Eligibility Requirements (https://www.peointernational.org/pce-eligibility-requirements):
A. A woman is eligible for recommendation by a local chapter if she:

  • is a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States or Canada;
  • is enrolled in a certification or degree program;
  • is living and studying in the United States or Canada for the entire course of study;
  • has had at least 24 consecutive months as a nonstudent in her adult life;
  • is within 24 consecutive months of completing her educational program which, at the conclusion of, will lead to employment or job advancement.

B. A woman is NOT eligible for grant consideration if she:

  • is requesting the grant for use in prerequisite courses needed to secure admission into another program of study;
  • is choosing immediate continuation of her education beyond the current program for which the grant is requested;
  • is enrolled in a doctoral degree program.

C. A chapter recommendation must be submitted no less than 10 weeks prior to the start date of the term for which the grant is requested, however, it cannot be accepted more than four months in advance of that date.

D. Grants may be awarded for academic or technical courses, including online programs offered by the educational institution in the United States or Canada.

E. The applications of individuals who satisfy these eligibility criteria will be evaluated on a nondiscriminatory basis without consideration of race, national origin, religious affiliation, disability or P.E.O. connection.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Are you within two years of reaching your educational goal?
  2. Please explain your education plans.